Sunday, April 26, 2009


Thought I better blog something. Jane and I have been very busy. The contractor is finished clearing the property we own. This is the place where my father grew up. The place was so rundown and falling down so it was time to get it done. Well the acres is finished and we are not real happy with the job but we so much rain in the last 2 weeks the place was so wet and now we have large clots of dirt.

Then the kitchen should be started in about 2 weeks. The money is getting spent like we have it. I guess it is American to help simulate the economy. Will post some pictures when we get the new notebook up and going as the old one's card reader is not working so no pictures can be uploaded.

Also the property thing the people next door are getting upset as the contractors dozier tore up some thier property. Now we are having to deal with that. I guess I need to contact the contractor and bitch.

Oh well school is about over.

I have been trying to do something with facebook so take a look.

My back is better and not so much pain. This is a good thing but I am really trying not to lift and do much of anything.

Andy and Jane

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